Saturday, May 05, 2007

WHASSUP: The World's Biggest Eurasian Party!

I was checking my PDA and my schedule is totally fucked up because of that unplanned trip to the Philippines. According to my schedule here, I should be in Brussels by now and go to Den Haag next week. But why am I still here in Bangkok? *sigh*. Either I was totally mushroomed in the past days or this PDA totally sucks.

I would so like to be in the biggest Eurasian party in the world!...

It's also the 4th most popular fair in the Netherlands, and would be a great way to spend a few days of fun and party. So, for all of you beautiful people in Europe who don't have time or money to come to Southeast can see our cultures represented in Pasar Malam Besar in Den Haag! Sweet.

Pasar Malam Besar means (translated literally and backwards) "Large Evening Market". But less literally, it roughly means "Grand Fair". Take that!

I sent them an email earlier and asked if Thai Eurasians are actually represented and I have'nt got a rensponse yet. If not, I would be more than glad to put up a stall and represent us Thai Eurasians. Anf if it's not possible, I'll just have the time of my life and enjoy meeting people and other gorgeous Eurasians -- that would be cool!

So, to all my readers and friends in Europe, clear your calendar on 17 May through 28 May.

Here's the website:

Take that and see you there!

I wanna see Queen Beatrix!



Sofia for BiSEAN said...
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