This is a rant. So for readers who got a soft-spot for beauty pageants, I suggest you don’t read this.
After almost 2 weeks without seeing each other, the BISEANers got together last night. And due to the insistence of Tommy [who obviously got a crush on Utt], we all got to watch Miss Earth on satellite feed. For those of you who are not familiar with Miss Earth…it’s a secondary beauty pageant that attached itself to environmental causes to make it sound relevant and different from the rest of the major world pageants.

Huh? What's this?!... How can a beauty pageant air for almost 4 hours? One commercial gap ran for more than 45 minutes! And you call this a major beauty pageant? Or maybe major “sponsor” pageant? And what’s with the announcement of names and credentials of people who give out flowers and sashes? Does any of the world’s major pageants do this? No.

Well, sweetie…how many Asians made it to the finalists in Miss Earth? How many Africans? Just like any pageant, they also prefer Latinas and Europeans, honey. Who’s racist now? Miss Earth is no different.
And to prove to you that even Asian pageants prefer Latinas and Europeans…take the case of Miss Asia. They changed it to Miss Asia-Pacific to include Aussies, Kiwis, the US and South American countries. As if like they are still not happy with it, they changed it again to Miss Asia-Pacific International to include the Europeans. What do you call that? Huh? What country owns Miss Asia-Pacific International, sweetie? Pfft! But boo-hoo…only Miss World and Miss Universe prefer Latinas and Europeans, don’t they?
It was a crazy night. Morgan lost his voice howling every time Miss Switzerland comes out. Pisanu smashed a beer bottle to the wall when Miss Spain was only called a runner up. Tommy and the girls kept giggling every time Utt stammers. I personally think Miss India should’ve won.
Sweetie, my main point is…since we all sour-grape and whine about Miss Universe or Miss World seldom give chances to Asians, why copy them? Give more chances to beautiful Asian women since this Miss Earth pageant is in our own turf.
Think about it, honey.

Sofia, stop ranting about this "racist" thing, baby. I would like to see you coming up the stage of Ms. Earth next year and let the world see what a real beauty you are. I can just imagine you in your sexiest attire...(wink-wink!)
Tomato sweetie, I'm not ranting about racism. I'm ranting about the people who call Miss World and Miss Universe a racist pageant. Me? At Miss Earth? Sweetie, did you read my post? */wink wink/ I hated that pageant!
Waaaah! I got NOTHING to do with this post. I just wanna be clear on that, o'righty? Now, braze yourself Sofia. LOL
Lol. I can't comment on the winner because I didn't see the pageant and whether she was truly deserving but from my watching the previous Ms. Earth pageants, I find them very lacking and artificial presenting nothing new at all to the round of beauty pageants.
Or maybe I just want to see those contestants get down and dirty or develop new methods to improve the environment instead of answering generic judge questions.
And yeah, Sofia, join Ms. Earth! Blow them away with your beauty and wit :) Then just to piss them off, you can give the crown back and/or donate the money to charity, that way you'll show them what a real Ms. Earth should do. :)
nyahahaha! pisanu actually was rooting for england. then he changed sides when she did not make it to the finals. weeeheeee! switzerland was hot!
@Q the Conqueror--- Sofia? Join a beauty pageant? Harharhar. Do you want her to turn the stage upside down and smack the organizers? lol. But she loves to watch these kind of shows. Just to irritate herself.
Miss Earth? Shouldn't that be like for women who are all natural? You know, the "green" version of a beauty pagent. No makeup, no plastic surgery...all of it.
I actually think that Pisanu should start the Miss Bisean beauty pagent....he could be the owner and broadcast it on the site....
Donald Trump has his own pagent why shouldn't Pisanu?
Eeeek! Pisanu owning a beauty pageant franchise? You wanna see a pageant with Peruvians and Filipinas only as contestants? Those are the girls he keeps marrying! Eeeek! No way, sweetie! God forbid.
Peruvians? Good lord where did he find her? They are quite short legged aren't they?
EXACTLY! Tao, I already like you. *giggles*
Hey yes... Of the 55 Miss Universes since 1952 only eight were from Asia - two each from Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, and India. There's been one each from Lebanon and Israel too. Technically they're from Asia, though ethnically...
Miss World's record is even worse. Since 1951 only 5 Asians have won the title - all of them from India.
i dont think miss switzerland was hot, i consider her one of the worst semifinalist and cant even consider her a serious contender.she is just a waste of semifinals slot...bad catwalk, bad hair, bad stage presence. miss india should have won it. over all miss venezuela deserved the crown
not hot for you but hot for me. big difference.
Boiling hot, piping hot, hot, lukewarm, chilled, cold, frozen...it's all temperature! It should all boil down to who can plant the most trees -- will win the crown.
LOL. The final question should be like bidding: "How many trees can you plant within the year if you will win Miss Earth?"--
--"10,000 trees and I will plant it myself. I will not eat, sleep or retouch my make up until I planted 30 trees a day during my reign."
--"Ladies and gentlemen...our new Miss Earth!"
i didnt watch it and i will never ever watch it.
Well, majority of the judges are not Filipinos. (But that's okay, WE can't please all.)
@ Caloy - He he he he. Only 5 Asians won Ms. World? All of them Indians? you don't say. Hehehe. And India was a former UK Colony right? Hmmm... I wonder.
@ Reyville - Yup I think I saw one Ms. Earth pagent where most of the are not Filipinos. I dont watch them anyway.
*Meant most of the judges. LOL
I second that sofia!
ms India should have won :)
Haha I'm not surprised bout all those things..... Even in school even if ure Eurasian but look more like an Asian people make fun at you. Someone just said that to me in school :(
Pageants are often over-rated. err.. to be completely frank, I think it's a waste of time and money. lol
hey we have ms.asean pageant....
I also believe that india should have won. And in my opinion miss universe is the worst peagent. They always favor the latinas and miss USA is always in the top 10 no matter how bad she is (falling on ur butt for 2 years in a row, talk about karma). Did u notice that for the past few years most of the top 5 at miss universe are latinas whereas other more beautiful and deserving contestants are left behind coz of their ethnicity. Take 2009 for example 3 of the top 5 were latinas. I am losing my appetite for miss universe as the years go by.
At least miss world and miss earth balance out the top 10, contestants from every continent.
im gay. i don't give a damn about who wins...i like middle eastern men. bow!
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