Thursday, May 24, 2007


Revisiting the most talked about male model in 2005.

A comprehensive collection of Jon's photos...

Click To Play

Eurasians are the perfect specimen of the human race.



Misterhubs said...

And all the while, I thought he was Latino. I hope they bring that show back.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i'm sure i heard somewhere that his mother is from around here. so it was thailand. good stuff.

Anonymous said...

yeah, whatever happened to his career?

Pisanu for BISEAN said...

@misterhubs...that "while" is more than 3 years! LOL

@bjarne...why dont you do the reasearch? you're the one connected to the modeling industry

@miumiu...where are you from again?

Sofia for BiSEAN said...

hi guys! i never fancied him though. too... i dunno...beautiful?

khalel said...

ei you guys... know where i can get photo of this guy? I wanted to feature him in my asian heatwave series... please. thanks...

Ei, like my self portrait?


kouros said...

Eurasians are the perfect specimen of the human race.?!!!!

WTF! Are you trying to say being a pure Asian is a flawed or degenerate form of human being? YOU'RE A Foolish FAG! a double standard one. I for one is a fag for all colours. Re-Write your labels, you're being insensitive and are probably very ugly in appearance.

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