Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Reason Why We Should Stop Dreaming of a Perfect Body...

... it doesn't exist. Technology does.

Maybe for a few minutes during pictorials,
but it really doesn't exist.



RP said...

Are you somewhere in the Philippines now? Wrong timing because it's raining hard.

Quentin X said...

Art imitates life far more than art imitates life.

eyron said...

just wondering, does your entries are into some kind of post dating format (i dont know how do u called it) before publishing? i just checked your blog yesterday but no entry and now your entry is dated on tue, oct 19.

Beth said...

great post! never thought about this before. I watched Baywatch in college and I didn't realized that there were digital manipulations already. Thanks for posting! :)

danyhael said...

The title is very ironic for Bisean. I've been reading this blog for years and I could still remember how the "perfect specimen" was developed.

Better title should be:

"Another reason why should non-Eurasians (us) stop dreaming of a perfect body"

Nico said...

oh man, i like my tv and movies filled with unattainable body images. lol, for me it's part and parcel of the movie experience. but great expose though!!! i never believe things until i see them. :D

Marshmallow Recipes said...

Thanks for writing this.

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