Tuesday, September 09, 2008

(Administrative Divisions)

We call our Administrative Divisions differently – Thailand, Laos, the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam use “Province”; Burma and Malaysia use “State”; Brunei and Timor Leste use “District” and Singapore don’t have any divisions at all.

Southeast Asia has a total of 331 provinces, states and special administrative regions.

The country with the most number of divisions is the Philippines with 81; followed by Thailand with 76 and Vietnam with 58. Indonesia, though the largest country in the region, only has 33.

The 10 Largest Province/State in Southeast Asia:

1. Papua, Indonesia / 421,981 km² / Capital: Jayapura

2. East Kalimantan, Indonesia / 245,238 km² / Samarinda

3. Shan State, Burma / 155,800 km² / Taunggyi

4. Central Kalimantan, Indonesia / 153,564 km² / Palangkaraya

5. West Kalimantan, Indonesia / 146,807 km² / Pontianak

6. Sarawak, Malaysia / 124,450 km² / Kuching

7. West Papua , Indonesia / 115,364 km² / Manokwari

8. Sagaing State, Burma / 93,527 km² / Sagaing

9. Kachin State, Burma / 89,041 km² / Muitkyina

10. Riau, Indonesia / 82,232 km² / Pekanbaru

The Papua Province of Indonesia is twice the size of Laos, 1 ½ times larger than the Philippines and bigger than both Malaysia and Vietnam.

It is 22 times bigger than Timor Leste, 80 times larger than Brunei and a whopping 618 times bigger than Singapore. *Ay caramba!*



Jerick said...

that papua province is I THINK even larger than california, IMO.

i actually don't get the sense why the philippines have tons of provinces. IMO, since most of south east asia is rather small, states or provinces should be lesser as well. i just have this notion that it creates lesser hassles and lesser problems.

Anonymous said...

wait until Philippines is divided into 11 States, by that time, we'll have an entry here... peace out!

Hoobert the Awesome said...

Filipinos out there, I'm supporting the shift of the Philippine government to federalism. What do you think? If realized our beloved nation will be called "Federal Republic of the Philippines".

Anonymous said...

ano ba nman yung medal tally na nka post dun sa taas? Ni lumpo at bulag naten bokya?

pusangkalye said...

If it is the largest, biggest, richest kinda thing, not from the Philippines, but the smallest, poorest, ---that's usually us. kekeke. Nice info, fun, fun...

Jerick said...


what kind of a comment was that?

Erique Fat Owl said...

@curbside puppet:

now, now - I think it's good to be humble every now and then...I'm not a Filipino, but I think what salingpusa said doesn't imply that he/she actually think little of his/her country...

Looking at his/her comment, I personally feel like it's a breath of fresh air. I don't mean to overgeneralize, but most of my Filipino friends are usually...well...let's just say that they like to talk about their country's excellence in many fields (and very little of other things)

Not that there's anything wrong with that, but somehow, for me personally, the image of Filipinos will always be associated with...well, arrogance? (sorry, I don't mean to offend)

But I do have some Filipino friends who are very, very humble and nice as well, so maybe it's not fair to judge based on just a handful of people I know...

Jerick said...

@ erique fat owl,

i actually got no problem with your comment. through this blog, i realized that my race (the filipinos) might actually be southeast asia's biggest egos after all.

i'm also proud of my country. in fact the tagline of my own blog is DREAMING OF A FIRST-WORLD PHILIPPINES should alone speak for the love that I have for my country. (i'm also speaking here regarding the responses i received on the ayala museum post of this (bisean) blog.

there is a thin line between being proud of your country and bragging about your country. being proud is positive, bragging is not. it can contain half-truths and other what-nots.

when i say stuff about the philippines, i try to be as factual as possible. anybody who thinks that i'm ashamed of my country is absolutely wronged.

what i don't like here (bisean) is the over-bragging and bashing my countrymen would love to do in this blog.

Erique Fat Owl said...

Curbside Puppet,

I'm glad you see it that way. Made me feel like I shouldn't made the comments I made after all.

However, I'd like to think that sometimes, pride can be misconstrued as arrogance given the right situations...

I am actually quite familiar with the Philippines (I can safely say that I know much more about the Philippines compared to everyday Indonesians), so I can really tell if someone's saying facts or half-truths.

So far, I'm happy to say that I have yet to see any significant examples of Filipinos speaking half-truths about how great their country is.

Without the intention of starting an argument, I do, though, have to re-stress what you said about Filipinos having big egos - it can be quite annoying sometimes (heehee), especially when they started to compare the sizes of malls to SM Mall of Asia in Manila! LOL

Anyway, in all seriousness, people with big egos can be quite annoying, especially in Indonesia, a country who's actually proud of being humble. Actually, we've been taught that humility and having simple, plain lifestyle is a foundation of our country ever since we're in pre-school (ask any Indonesians - it's true!)

Although I do envy the Filipinos' candor and pride towards their country - it IS an important aspect in a country's development as well. Us Indonesians are probably lacking in that department - due to the fact that we've been so severely hit by financial crises, fluctuating economy, terrorism, etc...that made us lost hope in our country.

Even these days, when our overall situation (economy, safety, currency, stability) is actually gaining vigor, I'd say that most Indonesians are actually still unaware of these good developments and continue being in a state of inferiority complex when compared to our neighboring countries.

In fact, it isn't unusual to see people in Indonesia who think that we're actually the worst country in the region. Humility or inferiority complex? I honestly don't know.

I do try to explain to some of these people that conditions of living in other S.E.A. countries aren't actually that different - I personally felt that Jakarta is just as comfortable, uncomfortable, glamorous, and unglamorous as Manila or Bangkok (although when we get to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Yangon, Phnom Penh, Ho Chi Minh City, etc I can clearly see the difference in comparison to Jakarta, know what I mean).

I wish we can be as positive as the Filipinos, I've never ever seen Filipinos who aren't proud of their country - even in the web, I don't think that any Filipino would belittle their country, let alone bash their own country.

There are a LOT of Indonesians on the web who openly say that their country sucks. I think this is very, very sad - because I think we're doing our best and our future is looking bright under our newfound democracy and (relatively) competent leaders. (please don't attack me on this one - I, for one, have faith in our current government!)

Although this whole issue still fascinates me to this day - tell me, do you think that the fact that Filipinos are generally (sorry to over-generalize again) very proud is in fact associated with the fact that the Philippines was once the 2nd most prosperous nation in Asia (after Japan)?

Jerick said...

@ erique fat owl,

yes, yes, and yes! that is the main reason why filipino ego is high. because of that fact plus america's and spain's influence in our country. it's nice to be proud of one county, but (over)bragging about it is annoying. just scour through this blog to know more about what i was trying to say.

some would overbrag about the spanish influence in the philippines, others would overbrag about how goodlooking and mixed-raced filipinos are, and tons of other self-praising antics that bisean would regularly get (in hordes).

i really am convinced that we are insecure of thailand's and malaysia's overtaking us the past 15-20 years. with singapore, its a given fact. i mean, 80's was a bad economic decade for my country.

i was amazed on how you would praise my country! terimah kasi for that! i have no balls to bash indonesian politics since megawati is no longer the president (wink!). the only bad thing i have for indonesia was how an uncle of mine got scammed when he lost millions on a mining deal gone kaput. i really didn't know the reason behind all of it since i was away from my family when it happened. an aunt of mine spoke bahasa because she studied it back in college. i love indonesia. i love your bali, your komodo dragons, and your kepala, pundat lutot, kaki nursery rhyme. its just (i think) that you need a really strong leader (a suharto reincarnate) to bring 300 million people back as one.

jborlongan said...

I'm surprised that you guys think Filipinos are arrogant and overconfident about the Philippines. In my opinion, many Filipinos(like salingpusa above) actually have this inferiority complex toward other countries, even our ASEAN neighbors. As a Filipino-American who has just in the past two years gotten a huge boost in pride for the Philippines, I have noticed this in many Fil-Ams but also in Filipinos in the Philippines. Many Filipinos also have this problem of thinking that anything from other countries is great, which also stems from this inferiority complex.

Erique Fat Owl said...

@Curbside puppet

LOL how on earth did you know about that "kepala pundak lutut kaki" thing? LOL!!
Well, nice talking to you - we had a good discussion and it certainly shed some light about the Philippines that I didn't know! Thanks ever so much!


Generally speaking, all of the more advanced nations in Southeast Asia do have a little bit of inferiority complex - it's only natural, as we progress towards being an industrialized country we become more aware of our position in the world and our general well-being.

I would like to contrast this with countries like North Korea - which can be considered a stagnant country in terms of growth and prospect - as far as they're concerned, they think that they're doing very well due to the fact that they're so brainwashed and closed from the rest of the world - that they don't have a good idea on how other countries are performing - so no inferiority complex in North Korea.

All I'm saying is, there are no direct correlation between inferiority complex and a country's progress (and thus, arrogance).

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